Scores of the formally clad stand from raised seating to celebrate the presentation of Mardi Gras royalty. An elaborately costumed procession walks forth from the curtain to the fanfare of a live-band, greeting and bowing before each section of revelers.
This past Saturday, the Uptown Krewe of Thoth celebrated
its annual Bal-Masque at the Pontchartrain Center in Kenner. The black-tie
event is a celebration of one of Carnival's largest parading krewes, a staple
of the city's Mardi Gras almost yearly since its founding in 1947. Despite coming
out of essentially a two-year hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic and facing a
temporary route change from its traditional path alongside New Orleans' various
institutions of healthcare, the reveling spirit of the krewe was out in full
force for a year like none other. The chance to finally return to the festivities
was a celebrated affair for its riders, ringing home the spirit of the year's
theme: "A Gift for You."

The evening began with the national anthem and a
performance by the Chalmette High marching band. Soon after, the Bal-Masque
began its elaborate presentation, in which various members of the krewe's costumed
royal court enter onto the event floor and receive honor for their prominence
in the year's parade. This was an impressively elaborate affair; it was
pre-rehearsed and tactfully coordinated to the announcer's speeches and a live
ensemble band. The gestures, walking paths, and pageantry of the captains and
court were very consciously choreographed to highlight each member's unique
time in the spotlight (and I do mean a literal spotlight; the manned lighting
cues were on-point). Each presentation was bookended with an elaboration on the
theme of gift giving, and the ceremonies culminated in the grand entrance and
royal procession of Queen and King Thoth.
Following the main ceremonies, the evening burst forth
into a massive celebration spanning the entirety of the Pontchartrain Center.
Now branching forth into multiple different areas, the musical reigns were passed
to a variety of simultaneous acts. On the upper balcony played local band 5
eaux 4. The Yat Pac entertained the grand lobby. The Wiseguys covered the west
wing of the building, whereas the east wing was host to The Molly Ringwalds and
The Mixed Nuts. Several full-service buffets served the evening with helpings such
as andouille gumbo and king cake bread pudding. Having had the chance to talk with
several of the krewe's members, there was a strong enthusiasm to see the return
of parading this year. The krewe was optimistic for the restoration of its
traditional route for next year, but the energy was high to make the most for a
fully-equipped parade. A one-of-a-kind route for a one-of-a-kind year.
Given the theme of gift giving, as well as the Krewe's
mythological namesake, I can't help but recall a story from antiquity. In the dialogues
of Plato, Socrates tells a tale where the god Thoth presents the invention of
writing as a gift to the Egyptian pharaoh. The gift is meant to be an aid to
memory, but the pharaoh immediately warns of a distinction between written
reminders and true living memory. It is fitting to consider that the spectacle
and pageantry of Carnival is not merely a ceremonious presentation for
tradition's sake, but rather an active celebration of community. The Krewe of
Thoth's annual Bal-Masque has primed the group for another great parade this
year, and the yearly celebration is a gift ready to be given once again.
The Krewe of Thoth parades on Sunday, February 27 beginning at noon and following the Krewes of Okeanos and Mid-City. For more information on this year's route, see the Krewe of Thoth's page on Mardi Gras New Orleans.