I am 8 years old.
Some of my little facebook (FB) friends say there is no Santa Claus. Papa says, 'If you see it in THE SUN it's so.' Please tell me the truth; is there a Santa Claus? I don't know how people can really believe in him!
I just started Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and other social media after my birthday in the summer and now have so many 'bff' friends! It's so neat to know so many people!
My parents don't mind that I spend all of my time on the new tablet that they gave me for my birthday or the iPhone 7+ that I also got that lets me 'selfie' all I want to!
Every day, when I come home from school as a latch-key kid and wait for my parents to get home from work, I can finally play with my real friends on FB and other social media, as I don't like talking or playing with anyone at school.
Mom and Dad tried to get me to join the Girl Scouts and other social groups, but I would rather explore things on my own through the world wide web!
With Christmas coming up, I hope to get that Microsoft Xbox One S ‑ 500 GB ‑ Robot White that I saw when we were in the drive-thru at the Golden Arches place!
What I don't quite understand is how someone can stand on the street corner next to McDs with a sign that has misspelled words on it about 'Will work 4 Food' and 'Need help and place to stay?' Don't they know how to google for things like that?
I did google just the other day to find out about this Santa dude and what Christmas was all about since no one ever told me – not even Mom or Dad. It seems like this Santa-guy helps online businesses and retailers stay out of bankruptcy – that's all I can figure out.
And I still don't quite understand why around this time of the year that I hear this story about a man and an expectant woman wandering all around just to find a place to stay? Couldn't they have easily just googled that problem to be solved? Surely they had Facebook friends to take care of them, right?
Oh well, while I await your email, Facebook or text response to my Santa question, I'll tweet Sophia to see what she's going to get for Christmas. Thx!
Virginia O'Hanlon" ("pseudonym" for Keith John Paul Horcasitas)
"VIRGINIA, your little (facebook) friends are wrong... Yes, VIRGINIA, there is a Santa Claus! Not believe in Santa Claus! You might as well not believe in fairies!... No Santa Claus! Thank God! he lives, and he lives forever. A thousand years from now, Virginia, nay, ten times ten thousand years from now, he will continue to make glad the heart of childhood." (-FPC)
"Want to experience him for yourself? Geaux to a local homeless shelter flash mob volunteer opportunity, and you'll experience him first hand with folks from all walks of life – even the homeless whom you had seen at McDs!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!"