Serving to educate locals and tourists about the influences and contributions that Southern Jews
The Museum of the Southern Jewish Experience (MSJE) will celebrate its first year of being open on Saturday, June 11 and Sunday, June 12. made throughout history, they have curated a host of activities over the weekend.
First, founding donors and sponsors are invited to join board members, senior leadership, and special guests for a Patron Party. It'll be held on Saturday from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at the museum. Cocktails and snacks will be provided.
Next, guests of all ages will enjoy Jazz Brunch at the New Orleans Culinary & Hospitality Institute (NOCHI) at 725 Howard Ave. Traditional food and drinks will be available for consumption, and lively music will play throughout the event. Tickets must be purchased before the event and cost $35 for adults and $10 for kids under 18.
Finally, come to Celebrate! The MSJE Festival on Howard Avenue from 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. where you'll enjoy live music, food vendors, shopping sprees, arts-and-crafts for the kids, museum tours, and friendly faces. The festival will be free and open to everyone.
MSJE has been educating the Southern population about Jewish culture and heritage since 1986. Originally located at the Henry S. Jacobs Camp in Jackson, Miss., they served as a preservation for Jewish artifacts and records, a summer camp for kids, and a Judaic service for Southern Jews. They ended up shutting down in 2012 due to inaccessibility issues, but when they came across New Orleans, they realized that the city had a large Jewish population, they decided to make the move.
The musem is open from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. daily except Tuesdays. To learn more about MSJE and its grand opening party, call 504-384-2480 or visit