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Money Moves NOLA Hosting Financial Literacy Workshop This Saturday

12:00 May 11, 2022
By: Gracie Wise

As the social landscape constantly changes, so does our understanding of financial issues. According to the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), about a third of those who took a financial literacy test received low scores. Not having the knowledge to managing our finances more responsibly can result in serious financial consequences such as overspending and debt.

This is why Money Moves NOLA (MMNOLA) is hosting a free conference in which grown-ups from all walks of life are invited to gain the financial skills they need to live in a successful life. Such skills include learning how to make a budget, save money, avoid identity theft, and share your assets. These classes will be divided into three sessions led by experts from financial organizations and institutions such as Charles Schwab & Co., Creative Planning, and the Credit Bureau of Baton Rouge Foundation Fund.

Speakers at the seminar include Paul Maassen, General Manager, WWNO, Peter Ricchiuiti, Senior Professor of Finance, Tulane University, Ricardo D. Thomas, President/Financial Consultant, Thomas-Waddell and Associates, and D. Randolph Waesche, Creative Planning, and Sheba Burke, WWL-TV. Topics will include Healthcare Expenses: Preparing your Finances for the Unexpected, Credit, Credit Scores, and Identity Theft, and much more.

The conference will be held Saturday, May 14, from 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at UNO's University Center. Registration will start at 7:45 a.m.

Learn more about the conference at moneymovesnola.com.

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