The Louisiana
Endowment for the Humanities (LEH), in conjunction with the National
Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), will provide disaster mitigation grants for parishes that
sustained significant damage from Hurricane Ida.
Louisianans were recovering from the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic,
Hurricane Ida felt like a slap in their faces. She wreaked havoc on
Southeastern Louisiana, knocking down anything that stood in her path. As a
result of the catastrophic damages, many homes and businesses were either
damaged or completely ruined. Museums, libraries, theaters, and other
humanities-based institutions also faced Ida's wrath, threatening Louisianan
are currently open to organizations wishing to receive assistance. All
organizations will undergo a thorough review based on their size, geographic
location, programming record, population density, estimated annual audience,
and demonstrated need.
grants will provide funds for repairs and upgrades, hazard mitigation tools,
disaster response plans, institutional and operational costs, temporary rental
space, and other recovery efforts. These include, but aren't limited to,
disaster response kits, physical repairs, mold remediation, and hurricane
Grant costs
will range from $1,000 to $10,000. The regrant process will be inexpensive, and
costs shares won't be required. Institutions serving underserved populations
are encouraged to apply.
For more
information and to submit an application, visit You can also reach out to Director
of Grants Chris Robert at