[Kelly Sikkema, Unsplash]

The New Orleans Health Department Launches Get Moving

07:00 October 30, 2023
By: Amelia Hervey

New NOLA Health Department Program Announced

"Get Moving," a campaign to promote being more physically active for local residents, has just been implemented by the New Orleans Health Department. This campaign's goal is to encourage people to get more active and strive for a healthier mind and body. They hope to inspire people of all different ages and abilities to increase physical activity to raise awareness of all of the health benefits of regular exercise—including reducing the risk of chronic disease, enhancing mood, and strengthening your immune system.

"Get Moving" helps people embrace the joy of movement and maintain long-lasting wellness habits, as well as providing resources to reach new heights with the Office of Population Health & Disease Prevention's Move Your Way program.

[The New Orleans Health Department, Facebook]

Although the program can help and inspire everyone, it is targeted at people who may not be reaching their physical activity recommendations each day, but who are motivated and want to increase activity levels in the next six months. The three top things to consider are thinking about increasing physical activity, creating a plan for when to exercise each week, and following through with that plan.

Starting now through January 2024, the New Orleans Health Department encourages residents to get themselves and their family members moving with the Passport NOLA challenges and the "Get Moving" events (which can be found on the NOHD website). Submitting a pledge to #GetMoving online will also make you eligible for prizes that will encourage you to keep going.

Submit a pledge to Get Moving by visiting the Chronic Disease section of NOHD's website. Don't forget to tag @nolahealthdept on social media and use #GetMoving to encourage your friends and family to join NOHD in their journey to make New Orleans a healthier place.

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