"Wintry, dark sipping drinks" will anchor Sylvain's new cocktail menu, says barman Darrin Ylisto. That means lots of rye and bourbon, and a Calvados twist on the Sazerac, will be on the list that launches late next week.
The exception will be a daiquiri, which comes on Sylvain's list just as we transition into long sleeves. The classic recipe is typically a bright shake of rum, lime juice and simple syrup.
For his own variation, though, Darrin adds seasonal elements to the daiquiri:
He starts with sultry, aged Angostura rum brimming with burnt sugar notes, and pairs it with the intriguing Elixer Combier, a high-end triple sec deepened with Christmas spices (nutmeg, cinnamon, cardamom) and earthy saffron.
The rich citrus-cinnamon elixir is a perfect match for such a lush rum.
To sweeten his winter daiquiri, Darrin goes beyond simple sugar - he uses molasses-touched demerara syrup, and ginger syrup for heat.
Lime juice adds pleasing acidity, and a single drop of Angostura bitters makes for a moderately dry finish.
Darrin (who also happens to be a Level 1 sommelier) calls it Police and Thieves, named for a reggae song, from a place where it's perpetually summer.
Sylvain, 625 Chartres, 265.8123
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