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Using Writing as a Learning Tool

16:34 December 16, 2020
By: Michael Turner

Why do students write? Students spend most of their time writing essays, completing worksheets, and working on assignments. In learning institutions, students must be allowed to use writing not just to communicate, but also to learn. Tutors should encourage students to use writing as a tool to create meaning and spark curiosity.

Writing exercises are important because they help students think about their study materials critically and encourage them to grasp, organize, and relate new knowledge with other concepts. Further, excellent communication skills are an asset both in and out of class. Instructors who provide their students with opportunities to organize and articulate ideas will accelerate the progress and development of their students. Here are a few tips that will help students use writing as a tool.

1. Encourage students to use learning to organize their thoughts

Tutors can process information much faster than their students because they've practiced more times by reading, thinking, writing essays, and learning in that area. When you slow down this process by using Writix essay-writing service and demonstrating with pictures and words what happens in their minds while learning, they will start learning how to ask questions to understand new concepts. When your students hear you talking through your thoughts and see you writing to learn new things, they will start utilizing these strategies to accelerate their learning process.

2. Provide feedback and don't grade

When a college student uses writing as a learning tool, you should provide feedback based on how they write. Your feedback should include recognizing a couple of moves and strategies that they are using to promote their learning. You should avoid assigning percentage or letter grades to students who use writing as a learning tool. Learning can be a complex process, and assigning a grade will prevent learning from happening.

3. Revisit and revise

You need to encourage your students to revisit and revise their writing as often as you can. When presenting new information, read an essay, observe a demonstration, watch a video, and encourage students to review and revise it. Ask them to record, add, or take away what they've written. Allow them to answer the questions that they generated or add new questions that come to mind. Revising their writing will allow them to create connections between new and existing knowledge.

Writing to explore

Exploratory writing exercises are used to simplify thinking, ask questions, explore ideas, look for connections between theories and practices, and reflect. Exploratory writing exercises focus more on the process than the product. Clarifying that writing styles and structure issues are secondary in such learning activities is critical. When creating these activities, use terms such as explore, discuss, consider, respond, propose, and reflect, to name a few.

Write to explain

Such activities encourage critical thinking while promoting a clear understanding of concepts through analysis. Such exercises allow students to take the role of the instructor and help them look for new ways to present concepts in a clear and accessible way.

Writing to explain exercises will not only help students become aware of the concepts and their concerns, but also force them to step out of their material to see things objectively. A deep understanding and the generation of fresh ideas will come when you encourage your students to embrace these techniques. When crafting these exercises, consider using words like define, reveal, describe, identify, and express.

Writing to encourage critical thinking

Critical-thinking problems help students convert from passive to active learners. Active learners can use concepts to gather, analyze, and formulate arguments. Your writing activities should promote critical thinking on the students' part. To achieve this goal, assign short and focused problems that require innovative approaches. You should consider using terms like evaluate, formulate, appraise, develop, judge, and argue.


Writing can be a powerful tool, especially when it's used to facilitate learning. You need to understand your students to figure out which learning exercises you are going to use. Being a tutor, you can help your students demystify learning by creating thinking exercises and providing valuable feedback without grading them.

Guiding your students and encouraging them to revise what they've learned will accelerate their learning process. Thanks to the rapid advancement of technology, there are a lot of resources that you can use to help you students use writing as a communication and learning tool. And most of them won't cost you a dime.

Author Bio:

Michael Turner is an exceptional proofreader and writer. He is interested in art, metaphysics, and literature. He loves reading books and traveling during his free time.

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