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The New Orleans Masking Indians Are Coming Downtown

14:00 October 28, 2020
By: Brhea Washington

In partnership with the Downtown Development District (DDD), the New Orleans Multicultural Tourism Network (NOMTN) plans to host a celebration of the authentic urban culture of the New Orleans Masking Indians. The event will take place at 730 Baronne St. in Legacy Park on Thursday, November 5, from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. NOMTN and DDD's event will feature and highlight the New Orleans Masking Indian's culture, heritage, and history.

The ambassador of the New Orleans Masking Indian culture, Chief Shaka Zulu, will be hailed as the leading figure within the New Orleans African American Carnival traditions. Chief Shaka chronicles New Orleans Indian culture with lectures that detail their history and maintain the group's traditions. The New Orleans Black Masking Indians, also known as Mardi Gras Indians, will be showcased through customs and traditions that also honor their culture's mystery and magnificence. These Masking Indians have become a cultural phenomenon that is special and distinctive to New Orleans.

The New Orleans Multicultural Tourism Network (NOMTN) aims to recognize and promote cultural diversity throughout the city of New Orleans to increase leadership and professional opportunities within the hospitality industry. NOMTN additionally partners with local businesses and tourism organizations to highlight the city of New Orleans for all travelers and visitors. The Downtown Development District, established by the Louisiana Legislature in 1974, focuses on strengthening services involving cleaning, safety, and economic development throughout New Orleans. The collaboration of NOMTN and DDD unites two organizations that emphasize the celebration of New Orleans's genuine and indigenous cultural background, while also stressing the importance of appreciating, preserving, and guarding yearly traditions throughout the city.

The Downtown Development District president and CEO Kurt Weigle expressed his excitement about partnering with the New Orleans Multicultural Tourism Network, stating that New Orleans's culture is what helps to drive and navigate the city's economy, and, as such, it is vital to support and celebrate cultures, individuals, and history that contribute to New Orleans's spirit and vibrancy.

Legacy Park: 730 Baronne St., Thursday, November 5, 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

For more information on the event, click HERE.

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