Nola Street Fashion

00:00 June 27, 2014
By: 2Fik
[Courtesy of Vi Nguyen]
Jane - Photo by Vi Nguyen

Catching my eye in the busy street of New Orleans was the adorable Jane from Melbourne, Australia, who is traveling around the states for 6 months. Her outfit was simple but very unique: matching hat and shirt, short overalls and socks with polka dots. Her green bangs and braids held the whole outfit together in a cute, retro look. All the elements work so well in her favor to make one stop and admire her style.

When asked what inspired her fashion, Jane smiled and responded:
"I just really like to be bright and colorful. I think the way people dress says a lot about them so I don't take anything or myself too seriously. [I] dress in a way to reflect that.

"Most of my things are secondhand. I don't really buy anything new, cause I feel like [it is] such a waste of the world's resources."

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I was amazed to have a conversation with a young lady who was already conscious and considerate of the world - rather rare among the young generation.

Thank you so much, Jane, for gracing the colorful street of New Orleans with your adorably vibrant personality. We wish you the best in your next journey to Memphis.

NOLA Colors is a DIY fashion blog composed by Where Y'at fashion reporter Vi Nguyen. Vi takes to the streets of New Orleans interviewing trendy locals asking them to share their fashion secretes.

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