According to a report by Choose Energy, Louisiana is ranked in the top five cheapest states for electricity in America. While the ranking and the electricity rate change daily, Louisiana has regularly been one of the five cheapest states in terms of electricity rates. The average electricity rate in Louisiana is 9.15 cents per kilowatt-hour which is low compared to the 12.7 cent per
kilowatt-hour total average for America.
Differences in electricity rates within America can be affected by many things like government regulations or infrastructure but the biggest factor is the primary energy source. Electricity is a secondary energy source meaning it is produced by converting power from a primary energy source, like solar energy or coal. Louisiana's biggest primary source is natural gas. According to the U.S Energy Information Administration, Louisiana is one of the top five natural gas-producing states in the country. Thus, a large portion of electricity production is fueled by natural gas.
In addition to Louisiana's cheap electricity rates, the state also has some of the lowest average monthly rental rates. According to the average cost for a one-bedroom apartment is $968.