"It became a lifestyle." ~ Terry Dixon
When you think of the city of New Orleans, you think about the music culture, libations and food that is absolutely satisfying to your taste buds. However, how often do you think about the city's obesity ranking and some preventive measures? According to WalletHub, New Orleans ranks 38 as one of the most obese cities in the United States.
One of those preventive measures is the investment lies in the hand of a personal trainer. With cities like New York, Los Angeles, New Jersey and more, being cited as the highest paying cities for trainers, one may simply ask, "Why should I get one?" States like Alabama, Missouri, Louisiana and more come in last place when it comes to acquiring a trainer.
Typically, women gravitate more towards trainers as opposed to men and are more likely to fund the use of a trainers' service. Now that we have a small briefing for reference, let's communicate more about Terry Dixon and our four week journey that changed my entire mindset.
The New Orleans native and former athlete claims his skillset as a trainer has always been a "lifestyle" saying, "I just kept at working out and it became routine for me." It wasn't until 2011 that he and his colleague "Mo", owner of 2nd to None Fitness, teamed up to start doing group classes at City Park. Dixon says, "We made it a lucrative business." After parting ways for business, briefly, the two reconvened continuing their working partnership which still sees the duo basking in bank.
Dixon and I sat down to discuss how we wanted to utilize this fitness journey geared more towards men. Whether a sedentary lifestyle or the average guy just wanting to keep in shape with his basic routines, Dixon carved out a plan to help debunk myths.
We agreed that we'd have open dialogue over the four week course to talk about why some men, ages 25-30, utilize commercial gyms and perhaps stay stagnated in their workouts often plateauing. We also agreed that the content upon completion would highlight some changes men can consider if they could submit into adult babysitting world of trainers. Here are some beginning marks that Dixon educated me on:
- Fellas, depending on your goals, you can strive for fat loss or weight loss. Fat loss is more appropriated with higher protein, less carbs and a strict caloric deficit and hitting the weights strategically with a heavier ascension. Weight loss is similar when minimizing calories but is aligned with more vegetables, lighter exercises and higher reps.
- Consider taking a 30 day challenge which contains no alcohol, staying away from heavy sauces, fried foods, eating three to four small meals a day. Include the protein shakes that contain little to no carbs. Try plant based protein, cooking with grape seed oil and meal prepping by investing in reusable containers that help with portion control.
- Depending on your goals, try to keep a trainer at a minimum of four months, or max out at six before you head back into the world of public used gym facilities.
- Don't negate morning cardio which burns more calories. Also, take full advantage of a treadmill for jogging, running or walking at an incline. Your body will thank you later for the immense sweat that will pour down.
Over the four week process, Dixon helped change my eating patterns by reminding me to be more conscionable. I admit, it wasn't "hard" to do, but my drawbacks were always feeling as if I were constantly eating the same thing such as egg whites, fresh veggies, turkey meat, etc. When I started to see results that came with a ten pound weight loss, two inches off my waist line and feeling more energized when cutting back on alcohol, I realized that Dixon was more than just a trainer, he was a teacher.
He said, "I don't do it for the money, I do it for the results" when asked about whether or not he enjoys the pay grade of a trainer. He added, "If you don't do it for the passion, you won't give the clients the best to match up with their goals."
Despite the fact that I can go on-and-on about the wonders of Dixon, he offers group classes, one-on-one sessions, agility and speed workouts, and honest words about his clients continued progress as they pursue their goals.
I encourage anyone, especially men that it is absolutely okay to reach new heights with a trainer. If you can't fully finance their services, find alternatives with the trainers or take a group class. If you want to remain in the confines of your gym utilizing your own knowledge, you'll take away an opportunity to be taught new ways to break your body down and build it up.
Lastly, your eating habits are important when wanting to pop the pot belly. You may "think" you can do it by yourself, but if you constantly find yourself saying, "Man, I feel fat," a trainer or even a nutritionist can truly help to alleviate that mindset.
Dixon stated, "Eat clean for about a week on your own and watch to see if there's a difference." He claims the effective maneuver can really help you get in the habit of watching what you eat so that beach body doesn't have to hide behind a tank top for your Instagram pictures.
He may bring in results in term of education, but you bring the physical results through the application; you will not be disappointed with his capabilities and ever growing mastery.
Check out competitive bodybuilder Mr. Terry Dixon of 2nd to None Fitness on Instagram @terrydixonfitness. You can also make any inquires @TerryDixonFitness@gmail.com or 504-957-2216.