In the weeks since sheltering in place became the norm,
digital technology has become harder to avoid. People already spent significant
chunks of the day staring at the distracting blue light of a phone, computer,
or TV screen. Now, with the limitations of social distancing, technology is
more prevalent than ever.
Work meetings happen via video
call. Ditto for "hanging out" with people who aren't immediate family members
or roommates. The siren calls of Netflix, Prime Video, and Hulu await at the
end of each day.
Recent medical studies have looked
into the potential side effects of increased technology usage, and the
answers are not always encouraging.
Amid these concerns, it might
behoove many to be thinking about ways to limit screen time. A new article in The Wall Street Journal shares promising
techniques on how to do so.
Time Management
Take a cyclical approach: 20 minutes on, five minutes off,
and so forth. According
to a businessman the Journal cites,
one should take a lengthier break following several repetitions of the cycle. A
timer helps facilitate the process. It could be a wristwatch with alarm
capability or a simple kitchen timer.
20-20-20 Rule
For every 20 minutes spent in front of a screen, spend 20
seconds looking at something else. It doesn't matter what the thing is, as long
as it's at least 20 feet away. A timer similarly offers help here. Science
backs this recommendation. The idea that screens harm vision is an old
wives' tale. However, other complications can arise, such as temporary blurred
vision, eye strain, or dry eyes, unless precautions are taken.
Breaks with Exercise
Getting one's steps in for the day can mean time away from
the blue light. People who own Fitbits or analogous devices have an advantage.
Anyone can track their physical activity on a smartphone. The Journal article suggests attaching precise goals to time increments. For
example, program a goal of 200 steps per hour into settings. The device will
give notifications, providing a reminder to get up and spend some time
Blue Light Glasses
A number of companies sell eyewear that filters blue light
at affordable prices. They don't necessarily require a doctor's prescription. A
lot of the designs look
stylish as well!
Various Suggestions
Listen to a podcast instead of reading an article or
watching the news on TV. Dictate emails and documents instead of writing the
words out manually. Turn video off on a Zoom call and only talk and listen for
a while. Turn the display off. Read print copies of books.
There are any number of alternative ways of accomplishing
tasks that don't involve screens. The important thing is thinking creatively
and not being afraid to try new things. That's the way to figure out what works
on a personal level.