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Improving your Sleeping Habits

12:00 June 15, 2022
By: Allen Brown

Improving your Sleep Habits and the Six Symptoms of Sleep Deprivation

What is it like to not get enough sleep? If you are someone who has trouble staying awake during the day, then you know how draining this can be. Lack of sleep can lead to serious health problems and chronic fatigue, but the most immediate effect is that it makes your brain foggy. Anyone who is experiencing these symptoms should check out these six symptoms to make sure they are getting a good night's rest. Read on!

1. Fatigue is Daily Feeling for You

If you feel exhausted and depleted all the time, then it is likely that your body needs a better night's rest. Once your body has had a chance to fully recharge overnight, you will start feeling energized again in the mornings and throughout the day. One way to great way to get more sleep is to design a more comfortable bed. This starts with choosing the right bedframe and then buying a mattress which fits it perfectly. After that dress your bed with cozy bed sheets, quilts, pillows, teddies, and anything else you need. This will help you to feel more refreshed in the mornings and start working towards a better sleep schedule.

2. Your Mood Negatively Fluctuates

As a result of your daily fatigue and lack of sleep, you will become irritable, sensitive, or even depressed. When your body doesn't get enough rest, your brain is unable to produce the necessary chemicals to make you feel happy or alert. This effect varies per person; some people will find that while they are not depressed but instead are more sensitive and have trouble handling small tasks. Overall, your mood fluctuating to this extent can affect your performance at work and other parts of your life will begin to suffer. In addition to your new mattress and bed, you can start using an online sleep calculator to work out the amount of sleep you need to be your best.

3. You're Forgetting Minor and Major Things

One of the most common symptoms of sleep deprivation is forgetfulness. The hippocampus, which is the part of our brains that stores memory and spatial awareness information, will shut down if we haven't slept enough. This can lead to a lack in concentration during the day as well as difficulty with recalling names or events from recent times. Many people find that when they are tired, they are constantly misplacing their car keys or forget why they have walked into a room. This forgetfulness can cause major inconveniences in your life and can even lead to big problems if you forget to do an important work task or attend a medical appointment. You may be amazed at how much difference just getting the right amount of quality sleep can make to your memory.

4. There are Problems in your Personal Relationships

Lack of the restorative type of sleep you need, often results in miscommunication between partners leading to misunderstandings and problems within personal relationships. Not only this, but when one partner does not have an adequate amount of sleep, they often do not have enough time for their partner because they are trying to catch up on sleep. Problems in friendships can also arise due to irritability that will cause conflicts if nothing is changed. People who do not get enough hours of sleep also tend to be more withdrawn than usual, making meeting and creating new friendships difficult.

5. Your Stomach is Always Rumbling

Another sign that you are not getting enough sleep is that you are always hungry and seem to be eating more than you need to. Your body using up all your energy to consume and break down food can make your mind foggy or slow, which will affect how well you think creatively or cope with changes. If you are feeling hungry because of sleep deprivation, first try to fix your sleep schedule with previously suggested tactics. In addition to this, also try eating smaller and healthier meals/snacks throughout the day. This way, you are conserving your energy yet still satiating your hunger. Regulating the amount of food, you consume creates a lower probability of obesity which is also a side effect of lack of sleep! As well as eating more, many people need to consume a lot of coffee to get through the day, but once you fix your sleep pattern, you will be able to cut back on this too and improve both your diet and resting patterns.

6. You are Physically Tired

Physical symptoms such as chronic headaches or stomach aches are also a sign of not getting enough sleep. If you find that these physical signs are occurring more frequently, this can mean one of two things: either your mattress is giving out and needs replacing, or it could just be stress in your life. This stress is generally unrelieved by constant tiredness and is causing your body to act up. Either way, take note if these kinds of physical symptoms occur a lot because if you don't address them, they could end up growing into more serious problems.

Now that you recognize these possible symptoms of sleep deprivation, you can work towards fixing your sleep schedule through simplistic ways to prevent catastrophic changes in your life. Whether it is changing your mattress, doing some quick sleep math, or starting your mornings feeling refreshed you can prevent all the negative effects that come from sleep deprivation. Hopefully, this will create a change in your lifestyle for the better.

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