"I'm for the poor man — all poor men, black and white, they all gotta have a chance. They gotta have a home, a job, and a decent education for their children. 'Every man a king' — that's my slogan." -Huey P. Long
Celebrate the 121st birthday of one of Louisiana's most storied politicians at Kingfish, the French Quarter restaurant named for Huey P. Long, Louisiana's 40th governor. On August 30th, the last Saturday before Labor Day, Chef Greg Sonnier and local personality Spud McConnell will kick off the festivities with a second line which will return to the restaurant where Chris McMillan will prepare Ramos Gin Fizz cocktails (made famous by the governor himself) and Chef Sonnier will offer “Lil' Eats” from his menu.
Guests are encouraged to don their finest, late 19th century, seersucker duds and slick back their hair to enter the Huey P. Long look-alike contest as an homage to the populist governor, US Senator and “favorite son.” The winner will surely “feel like a king” (and eat like one) when he/she is rewarded with a monthly, free meal from Kingfish for an entire year!
Kingfish Restaurant
337 Chartres Street
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