According to CNN, George Zimmerman was set to apparently auction off the gun he used to kill Trayvon Martin four years ago.
But mysteriously, when the auction was slated to begin on the website, the weapon vanished from the website and was replaced by a note that read, "Sorry, but the item you have requested is no longer in the system."
Searches for Zimmerman and Trayvon, which earlier Thursday morning had yielded information about the gun and its sale, returned no results. Multiple news outlets attempted to reach the auction site and were not successful. When reached via phone, Zimmerman told CNN, "Thanks for the call. I'm not speaking to media right now," and hung up.
In July 2013, a jury acquitted Zimmerman in the death of Martin, an unarmed African-American teen after he claimed self-defense.
Since his acquittal in 2013, Zimmerman has made news several times, including an arrest in a domestic violence case and a highly publicized divorce. Prosecutors dropped the charges after his girlfriend refused to cooperate with the investigation.