Gulf Coast Kings
Smooth rap beats mixed with jazz and Southern sounds round out the style of G-Fine (Garrett Fine) and Coop-A-Fly (Adam Cooper,) who, together, make up the Gulf Coast Kings. Each rapper/singer uses their musical and Southern background to produce the album NOLA to PCOLA, the album title offering a tribute to each rapper’s Southern-based roots.
With Fine leading up the rap portion of the music and Cooper providing vocals, the pair make a memorable album that is said to directly reflect their experiences. While each track is different with a variety of instruments and beats played, there are still common elements that are evident throughout the album. Each track, whether fast-paced or not, still maintains the smooth, jazzy undertones that NOLA is so popular for. Listen closely to tracks such as “On It,” and you’re sure to hear a few jazz instruments like the saxophone, a known speciality of Cooper. For Southerners with a love of rap music, G-Fine and Coop-A-Fly are guaranteed to provide the music you’ve been searching for.