Full Car (and more) Pulled from Lafitte Canal in Mid-city

09:00 August 29, 2019
By: Liv Arriviello
The Mazda 626, which has likely been stuck in the Lafitte Canal since Katrina, was pulled out after hours of workers detangling it from the muck.
While the New Orleans S&W was not entirely sure of the car's stint in the canal, NY Daily News reports the brake tag had a clear expiration date of
2007. The car was not alone in its plight pulled, too, from the canal was a sofa, a grill, pieces of a car, and a few bicycles. Essentially, the contents of
someone's garage got stuck underground and may be partially to blame for the clog in the pumping systems in Mid-City. The Lafitte Canal runs from
Drainage Pump Station 2 pumping water out of Mid-City and the Central Business District - notably, neighborhoods which faced severe flooding on
the July 10th storm. There are no records of the last inspection done to the canals, S&W claims it would continue inspecting a network of drains
operating in that area. Following the normal flooding patterns of New Orleans, the July 10th flood affected neighborhoods in Mid-city, Treme, and
Gentile most harshly. Though, Mid-City is currently the main focus of the New Orleans S&W efforts to unclog debris and trash from the drains.

Photo courtesy of S&WB.
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