With such strict precautions in place, the holidays aren't
going to be the same this year, but that doesn't mean that you can't have fun
with what family you do have around you. Even though you might not be able to
have your full family gathering or usual Thanksgiving Day festivities, there
are still plenty of fun things to do without being around big crowds and
risking your own health. What would be the fun of the holidays if you end up
too sick to enjoy them?
Host a Virtual Party
Over the past several months, you're sure to have brushed up
on your virtual partying skills, and now, it is time to put them all to the
test. Even though you can't have the whole family in the same room right now,
there's no reason that you can't all be on the same Zoom call. Thanksgiving is
the perfect time to catch up with your friends and family and even share some
special moments together during a really hard time.
Tailgate in the Backyard
If you are fortunate enough to have a backyard in the Big Easy, setting up a backyard tailgate to watch the football game might be a great way to get all your sporty needs from the comfort of your own home. Complete the affair with paraphernalia supporting your favorite team, good chili, and even some buffalo dip, and you'll wonder why you've never thought of doing this before!
Ugly Sweater Contest, the Prequel
Ugly sweater contests are now not just for Christmas, but
for Thanksgiving as well! Consider picking out fun Thanksgiving-themed sweaters
and modeling them on your family Zoom call to have a contest from your own
home. If you don't have one premade or bought before the day of Thanksgiving,
consider getting the supplies to customize your own while you aren't busy
Make Your Own Family Heirloom
Staying at home has brought out the creative side in a lot
of people, so creating something that your family will get to enjoy for
generations to come might be just the go-to holiday activity. If sewing is your
thing, having your family write their names along a table runner and stitch
their names on later is a great keepsake, or collective paintings are always a fun
albeit messier option. Ornaments and even decorated plates are another great
way to get creative outside of the kitchen.
Make a New Tradition
In these unprecedented times, there is nothing more
comforting than the prospect of something comfortable, but that doesn't mean
that you should always stick to the usual. If it's your first time celebrating
by yourself or even with a smaller crowd than you're used to, be sure to branch
out and figure out what you really want to do. If you want to bake fancy
desserts, watch a specific TV show, or just take a self-care day, then do it!
Create your own day and do what you want to do, guilt-free.