After more than a decade, Eyehategod has finally released their highly anticipated fifth full album. The long-running sludge metal band has recently enjoyed a streak of popularity the world over, often touring to the farthest reaches of the globe, being featured on the hit HBO show Treme, and having their own beer and burger. And with the release of their self-titled album, EHG has decreed that not only have they kept busy all these years, but they aren't leaving your ears anytime soon. Immediately beginning with their trademark piercing feedback tones in "Agitation! Propaganda!," EHG sounds just as angry as they did when they were teens. I really enjoyed "Parish Motel Sickness" because it makes me think of all the stories, known and unknown, about the seedy motels of our city, especially along Airline Highway; one such story being the infamous televangelist Jimmy Swaggert being caught with a prostitute. Singer Mike IX Williams yells in his maniacal, erratic voice, "It takes a life of its own; it takes its own life." The renowned guitarists Jimmy Bower and Brian Patton wreak havoc throughout the album as their heavy riffs steal this show; their work in "Nobody Told Me" and "Worthless Rescue" is especially Southern sounding, and certainly blues-inspired. The latter song and the proceeding "Framed to the Wall" are unusually fast for this band with rather jazzy drumming by Aaron Hill; clearly, EHG hasn't forgot about their punk roots. Hopefully, we don't have to wait another twelve years for a new Eyehategod album, but if it must be, Eyehategod has the power to satiate us.