Bujie and The Highrise
Bujie and The Highrise
Big Mish Records Bujie and the Highrise, from Sulphur, LA, released their fi rst ten-track self-titled LP on BigMish Records . It's reggae music with freethinking lyrics and fancy riffs. It gets off to a slow start, and at fi rst, I was alarmed that they put forth so much production for a beginner's book on dubstep. But "Money and the Government" gives you a nice slap, with good rapping and some technical guitar and bass. They do a lot of nice singing, and Camron Doty and Logan Leis harmonize quite well. "Burning Up" is a showcase for guitar in the rhythm section, and Chris Lanthier and Jordan Lewis play good bass and drums on one of the more technical songs on the record. "Time Goes On" features some turntable scratching, and at this point on the record, they've defi nitely hit their groove with more of the heavy metal-infl uenced guitar playing and sustained vocal notes. Lyrically, there are hints at social and political issues, getting high, and of course, Mt. Zion. This is pretty good composition for a young group of musicians, and you hear that they've defi nitely done their homework in the listening department, borrowing from soul and reggae and executing the styles quite well. Although they seem to lack some refi nement, which is telling of their overly polished sound, Bujie and the Highrise are off to a good start.