Ghosts of Good Times: Louisiana Dance Halls Past and Present by Herman Fuselier, Photos by Philip Gould, University of Louisiana at Lafayette Press
The musicians have left, the dancers have ceased twirling, and there hasn't been a drink served for years, but that doesn't mean these dancehalls aren't full of spirits still grooving to the tunes of incomparable Louisiana musicians. This extensive tome features breath-taking and haunting photographs of abandoned bars and dance halls along with their colorful history in a manner that truly brings these buildings back to full life in your head. It also explains the importance of these venues to the culture of southern Louisiana. One person is quoted as saying, "You didn't go there to just dance.You exchanged news. You reconnected with everybody. There was a sense of community." But trends change, people age, and new, more contemporary businesses open. These fascinating museums to humanity and cultural charm are so perfectly showcased in this gorgeous book.