Slim Shady is looking rather, well, slim these days - but it hasn't always been this way. The MC recently admitted that he was upwards of 230 lbs. when he od'ed on prescription meds in 2007, attributing his weight gain to an increased appetite from his drug abuse. After sobering up, he was having trouble sleeping and took up running as a way to exhaust himself, often logging as many as 17 miles per day.
"It's easy to understand how people replace addiction with exercise," Eminem told Men's Journal. "One addiction for another, but one that's good for them. I got an addict's brain, and when it came to running, I think I got a little carried away. I became a f**king hamster."
I resisted the urge to make an 8 Mile pun, but feel free to add your own in the comments section below.