Bent Denim
Bent Denim’s 2014 debut sounds like what I imagine an album combining Death Cab for Cutie with the Postal Service would give us. On the surface, they seem like another chip off the electro-indie/library-voice-vocals – aka "Dream Pop" – chopping block that has conquered alternative rock as of late; however, a strong core of catchy hooks and earnest songwriting let them stand on the shoulders of the zeitgeist’s dopplegangers as a possible one to remember. The lyrics, also par for the course, are fixated in Generation Z’s (or whatever we’re called) supposed quarter-life crisis, talking through personal issues such as lifestyle disillusionment, media oversaturation, future doubt and romantic ennui. Again, what should be cliché is not on Epistolary – you can hear the uncertainty in lead singer Ben Littlejohn’s story telling, adding an emotional punch to the band’s melodic, introspective musicianship.
“Fuel" is the album’s most memorable and upbeat track, climaxing with a thundering piano dirge. The rest of the album has a ponderous pace to it; however, all of these songs live a separate, more spirited life when performed live. Don't miss these guys the next time they play here.