Benny Grunch & The Bunch- Grunch Road

00:00 January 29, 2014
By: Emily Hingle

 Benny Grunch & The Bunch

Grunch Road

Benjie Records Benny Grunch is back with eighteen hilarious local-centric songs. The album has some of your old favorites, like “Ain’t No Place to Pee on Mardi Gras Day” and “At the Beach,” as well as many current songs. “The Hubig’s Pie Boogie Woogie Sing Along Flavor Song” might make you really hungry for something you can’t have right now. When Benny mentioned the sweet potato fl avor, I almost had to switch the song. The simple and upbeat song “Nash Roberts Was Our Weatherman” needs no more than a happy-sounding ensemble of guitar, drums, and horn accents to bring up memories of how the beloved late weatherman needed no more than a Magic Marker and board to command the respect of the entire city. I really enjoyed the song “Evacuation Day” to the tune of the local early rock song “Graduation Day”. It almost makes me look forward to hours of stand-still traffi c during hurricane season. Benny Grunch sings saccharinely, “It’s slow-motion twilight going thirteen miles an hour. We’ll get some gas in Birmingham just in time for Mardi Gras.” And the aftermath of a hurricane, in which electricity could be lost, is the subject of the next song called, “I Think I Just Seen Elvis in the Mildew on My Walls.” The lyrics in this song are especially funny, like: “[It’s] too dark to be Michael Jackson, too light to be Ray Charles.” If you love this city, you have to love singing about it, and there’s nothing better than Benny Grunch for that purpose.

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