Morbid Angel visits New Orleans just before their headlining run on the Summer Slaughter Tour on Friday, July 11th, with Vadimvon, and locals Demonic Destruction and Ossacrux for $25 at 9 p.m. at One Eyed Jacks. Quintron and Miss Pussycat perform at Siberia with the brand new band F.R., The Planchettes and Bill Mountain at 10 p.m. for $10.
The Mill Bar in Harahan will play host to the 3rd Annual Jalopy Jubilee on Sunday, July 13th. This hot rod car show will also have raffles with some amazing prizes like televisions and gift certificates all to benefit the Animal Rescue of New Orleans. The event begins at 3 p.m.
If you like books and you like boobs, there’s an event that has both for you. Thursday, July 17th, Naked Girls Reading Presents: Tales, Tails & Cocktails at Scott Edwards Photography Studio and Gallery located at 2109 Decatur Street. The Literati will enjoy Michelle L’amour, Bella Blue, Charlotte Treuse stripping and reciting books about cocktails. There are two shows at 8 and 10 p.m., and your $25 ticket includes your drinks.